Weekly Happenings April 17 to 24
Dear Sangha,
NEWS & Information
- THIS SUNDAY! April 18, 2:00-4:00pm Fun for Families: Bug Hotel and Garden Project. Please bring small clay pots, pine cones, bamboo, sticks, broken pieces of clay pots, short logs with holes drilled in the ends, and tubes for mason bees for the Bug Hotel and strawberries for the children to plant. Masks will be worn with social distancing. Contact Mary Woods to participate.
- Individual Retreats at Ser Chö Ösel Ling will continue through August. Please contact Sarah or Chehale at for availability and more information.
- Equanimity & Inclusion Study Group meets TODAY, Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm. Please contact Zopa at if you plan to attend or for any questions you may have.
- Board Meeting is this Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm. All are welcome to attend. Agenda is attached.
- Next Saturday, 10-11:00am is Green Tara. Chanting in Tibetan led by Tsultrim.
- Registration is open for Chenrezi – The Union of Relative and Ultimate Bodhichitta, April 22-25.
- May We Gather: A National Buddhist Memorial Ceremony for Asian American Ancestors – Tuesday, May 4th, 4:00pm PDT. Stay tuned for possible Zoom session to watch this together.
KCC Happenings April 17 to April 24 – with Zoom links
Saturday, April 17
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
10:00-12:00pm Equanimity & Inclusion Group discussion. Please contact Zopa at if you plan to attend or for any questions you may have.
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 876 4842 5106 – Passcode: 493050
Sunday, April 18
9:00-11:00am Shamatha with Lama Eric (*Zoom link below)
- 1st session: Guided Meditation
- 2nd session: Q&A
1:30-4:30pm Board Meeting (see above)
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 857 3618 1073 – Passcode: 538463
6:30pm-8:30pm Evening Shamatha with Lama Eric (*Zoom link below)
*ZOOM LINK for morning and evening shamatha. Meeting ID: 970 7123 2132 – Passcode: 798448
(For phone-in: Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdsfewOgdr)
Monday, April 19
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
8:30-10:00am Conversations Unlimited
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 865 0235 9418 – Passcode: 17067
Tuesday, April 20
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 07266
1:30-2:30pm Death & Dying Study Group
Participation in the study group is open to all but the Zoom meetings are done by password-protected invitation email. Anyone who is interested should contact Mike Maier at .
7:00-8:00pm Green Tara practice (1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesdays and 4th Saturdays in Tibetan; 2nd, 4th in English; 2nd includes teaching)
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 854 0787 4361 – Passcode: 106554
Wednesday, April 21
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
7:00-8:00pm Chenrezi practice (1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays in Tibetan; 4th in English; 2nd Wednesday is a Chenrezi Study Group. All are welcome!)
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 886 8647 3447 – Passcode: 489192
Thursday, April 22
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
5:30-6:30pm Chenrezi – The Union of Relative and Ultimate Bodhichitta begins. (see above)
7:00-8:30pm Mind Training Study Group
Zoom link is HERE. Meeting ID: 936 8751 0734 – Password: 079439
Friday, April 23
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
Saturday, April 24
7:00-7:45am Morning Meditation
ZOOM LINK for ALL weekday morning meditations. Meeting ID: 932 3154 4844 – Passcode: 072668
10:00-11:00am Green Tara in Tibetan
ZOOM LINK. Meeting ID: 854 0787 4361 – Passcode: 106554