KCC Service Groups

The beating heart of KCC is our volunteers. With a small staff, volunteers are critical to KCC’s fruitful operations. Through volunteering with service groups, you can establish and deepen your relationships with Sangha members.

KCC has established six service groups that organize our sangha’s activities and work toward KCC goals. The use of Service Groups in the KCC governance plan will allow the Board of Directors to concentrate on policy and on the guidance of our direction in accordance with our mission and values.

Service Group Coordinators (most are volunteers) meet regularly to maintain communication among all the groups and to collaborate on shared responsibilities and concerns.  Reach out to a coordinator to get involved.  There is a service opportunity to suit everyone who wants to contribute to making KCC a vibrant and welcoming setting to practice the Dharma.

Community Life

This group exists to create opportunities for connection, care, and service.  The main components of this group are:

  • The Sattva Social Club.  This club organizes social activities to foster connections within the sangha.
  • The Needs/Care Group.  This group created and maintains KCC’s Program of Care described on the CLSG page.  Community Life Service Group – Kagyu Changchub Chuling (kcc.org)
  • The Engaged Buddhism Group.  This group plans, supports and takes compassionate action in the community beyond KCC.

Other groups comprising community life may find a home in the CLSG. The benefits are communication and support as needed from among all the Service Groups.


We are seeking a coordinator for Community Life. If interested, please contact Tim Campbell (he/him): .

SCOL Service Group

The Ser Chö Ösel Ling (SCOL) Service Group focuses on the maintenance and care for KCC’s retreat center in Goldendale, Washington.

The Coordinators and the SCOL Team work together to host retreat activities and maintain the property. Work parties are organized to do repairs, maintenance and address fire risk on the land around the buildings.

Wilder Lyon (they/them) –

Program Support

This Service Group organizes KCC’s spiritual activities as determined by Lama Eric and the Program Council, including retreats, classes, and special spiritual events; regular community practices, study groups, the Children’s Program. The teams within this group include:

  • Retreat Team
  • Zoom Hosts
  • A/V support
  • Sunday Practice (Openers, Closers, and Greeters)
  • Flowers
  • Umdzes
  • Dharma bookstore
  • Library

Tim Campbell (he/him): –

Portland Center Facilities

This group’s focus is to maintain and improve the Skidmore building and grounds.

  • Maintenance and Repair Team.  This team handles ongoing and urgent repairs.
  • Renovations and Improvements Team.  This team handles larger projects.  2024 plans include improvements to wheelchair access, installation of better lighting in the meditation hall, and outdoor lighting for the pathway and wheelchair ramp.
  • Dharma Diggers Team maintains the grounds, including mowing, weeding, watering, new plantings, and other improvements.
  • The Karma Cleaners hold monthly cleaning parties at the Center, as well as deep cleans and touch-ups before major events.

John Jennings (he/him)

Volunteer Support

The purpose of this group is to make working and volunteering at KCC a rewarding and satisfying experience.

On the human resources side, where Rosemarie is focused, we work closely with the Finance Group to make sure employees get their pay and benefits on time. We also give employees the support they need to succeed. When a new employee is needed, we recruit and help train them. On the volunteer side, where Sally is focused, we recruit and care for volunteers who want to offer service in a role they enjoy and, and we provide the help they need to do it well. We want your ideas for how to make volunteering more seamless and, most importantly, more fun.

Sally Mead (she/her) –

Finance and Development

This group is all about helping KCC stay in good financial condition so we can sustain our Dharma classes, retreats and other activities. The Finance Committee and Accounting Team ensures that money that comes in to KCC is properly deposited and recorded; all bills and expenses are properly handled; and financial responsibilities such as payroll, insurance, and reporting are all carried out. We have a lot of legal criteria to meet.

The Development Committee aspires to galvanize dana (generosity) and gratitude in the sangha so that KCC can meet our expenses. We have some fun new ideas for events in 2022 – a sustaining membership drive, and hopefully, an in-person Blooming Lotus Vajriety Show.

Linda Besant, Lead (she/her) –
Cynthia Irvine (she/her) –