Study Groups

KCC hosts several study groups that investigate and discuss the application of Tibetan Buddhist teachings and practices in the context of contemporary daily life. These groups may explore traditional and current texts in detail; participants enjoy spirited discussions regarding their relevance to current events and their personal experience of bringing the teachings ‘off the cushion.


Equanimity & Inclusion

This is a monthly, lively, warm and meaningful group discussion which explores becoming Bodhisattva Allies who work to end internal and external oppression and who move into loving, wise actions toward all beings, without exception.

We use current articles to inspire discussion, contemplation, meditations and laughter. All who are interested are welcome to join us.

Please contact Zopa at if you plan to attend or for any questions you may have.

Prior to attending this group, it is useful to read the basic class handouts and to watch these recordings.

You are warmly welcomed to join us!


Upcoming Events

Moved by the principles of loving kindness and compassion, by our commitment to justice and equity, we must come forward and oppose oppressive institutions and systems and challenge harmful laws and policies.

– Bhikkhu Bodhi

Equanimity and Inclusion - Videos

Essence of Buddhism

Lama Eric Triebelhorn leads a study group via Zoom on the Second & Fourth Thursdays of the month on The Essence of Buddhism by Traleg Kyabgon. This book discusses many of the foundational aspects of Buddhism, written by a deeply trained Tibetan teacher who spent many years teaching in the West. The study group includes brief presentations of the material, small group conversations, and sharing in the larger group.

The group began on August 10, 2023, but particpants are welcome to join anytime. Please email to be added to the Essence of Buddhism email group and receive additional materials, updates for each week’s session, and other information from Lama Eric.

Upcoming Events

Essence of Buddhism - Videos

Death and Dying Study Group

The Death and Dying Study Group chooses material to work with before gathering to discuss. On 1st Tuesdays we continue working through a book. On 3rd Tuesdays our focus is on films, articles and poems available online or are easily sent out to the study group as a PDF. We have a common interest to learn more about death and dying by reading or viewing, discussing, and hearing each other.

Participation in the study group is open to all but the Zoom meetings are done by password-protected invitation email. Anyone who is interested should contact Jan Glenn at or Catherine Harris at .

First and Third Tuesdays of the month
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Resources for Death and Dying Study Group can be accessed HERE.

Upcoming Events

Joyfully Just Book Group

KCC Book Group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at KCC Portland Center (No Zoom)
Everyone is welcome
Meets in person at the Portland Center to discuss the book Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living by Dr. Kamilah Majied.

Buddhist practices for joy and justice
Join us February 11 to discuss Kamilah Majied’s book

Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living

When the world feels cracked open, it becomes apparent that we take false refuge regularly. Working with a book grounded in Buddhist theory and practice allows us to find true refuge.

“The goal of this book is simple – to reclaim joy by using meditative practices to be just toward ourselves and the world around us…As we begin to see and face…all that we could not see and face before, we become more free and thus more joyful. In Buddhism, emancipation from delusion is itself enlightenment…Enlightenment comes from seeing the truth.”

“I define meditative…practices as the activities we engage in to bring ourselves to the present moment in a way that reflects an embodied and integrated experience of our own minds, hearts, and bodies. True mindful or contemplative practice strengthens our compassion…”

“Pause and look at the suffering that injustice has caused…in that pause we can experience the joy of clarity, which is a precursor to the joy of healing… Our spirits, bodies and minds need to be buoyant to navigate the unceasing waves…”

“Community is one of our biggest resources!”

We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (Feb. is an exception), from 9:30 till 11:00. This book is available for purchase at KCC. For our first meeting, please read the introduction.

In person only. If you have questions, email

Upcoming Events