What are your wishes, hopes, and concerns for KCC’s future?
UPDATED January 12!
Community Input Needed to Shape KCC’s Future
A strategic planning team will soon be undertaking the process of setting new goals and actions for our community. This process requires the ideas and input of the sangha.What are your wishes, hopes and concerns for KCC into the future?*
Two meetings left!
We scheduled three meetings so that we could hear from as many community members as possible. The remaining dates and times are below.
The remaining meetings dates are:
As an alternative, you may send messages or call those who are gathering input (see below).
Our Process
- Break into small groups with one facilitator, one notetaker.
- Series of rounds expressing wishes and hopes and then concerns, with one topic per sharing.
- Brainstorm mode will continue until all wishes and concerns are expressed.
NOTE: There will be no crosstalk (i.e., no commenting on other’s sharing), discussion, or prioritization.
*Each participant will have many opportunities to share, but each sharing opportunity will be limited to a few sentences on a single topic. We suggest preparing a list of your wishes and concerns to facilitate an efficient process.
Input is Crucial
An inclusive group of members drawn from the KCC community, together with a planning professional and the Board, will make up a new team for Strategic Planning. The input gathered in this phase will define the issues this team will engage with. The community will also be able to weigh in during that process.
Please Attend One Meeting – Zoom Only
We ask that you attend only one so that input is received in an evenly weighted manner. We previously indicated these sessions would be held in-person and via Zoom; circumstances have changed and these sessions, like our programming, will be held via Zoom only.
To attend, go to our calendar and click on the event. Then use the red “Connect to Zoom” button that will appear 15 minutes prior to the session.
Alternative Methods for Input
If you are not able to join one of the meetings, or you would like to communicate privately, please share your ideas in one of the following ways:
- An email to
- An email to planning member Linda Logan:
- A phone call to planning members Linda Grove at 503-472-9213 or Willa Rabinovitch at 503-219-9394