Volunteer Celebration
Let’s send great gratitude to Jennifer Chang, another volunteer extraordinaire! She became even more active once she had freetired from her federal job with emergency response and planning (FEMA)! She became a board member and in recent years became co-president of the Board with John Rothermich. It gets more generous since she is also treasurer and takes the minutes! The list is delightfully long for other ways she contributions to KCC. She has helped in planning honoring events, writing some song scripts, enjoyed watering the yard and sitting in on finance and development meetings. Some years ago, she played a giant role in the renovation of the KCC website and since then continues to do the finger lifting to make changes and add new content! If you’d like a further picture of Jennifer, please read her bio on the webpage Directors-Members.
As Lama Michael has said, thank you for your constancy! The Volunteer Support Team and more.