The Sattva Social Club presents… Three Fridays in June
The Sattva Social Club has planned events for Three Fridays in June.
Friday, June 10: Movie Night
Join on Zoom to watch: Driving While Black: Race, Space and Mobility in America | PBS
Discover how the advent of the automobile brought new mobility and freedom for African Americans but also exposed them to discrimination and deadly violence, and how that history resonates today.
Zoom only, 6:30-8:30 with discussion to 9pm
Friday, June 17: KCC New and Old Friends Potluck
Join us in welcoming newcomers, intermingling with old friends, and sharing food!
Our first New and Old Friends Potluck is inspired by Carolyn Peck and Le N. Carolyn and Le will prepare and share Pho cuisine!
Newcomers and long-timers, join us for comfort and a warm welcome with food in our first New and Old Friends Potluck.
This is an in-person only event.
Masks are required inside KCC. Weather permitting, we will eat together in in the backyard. Do not come to KCC if you are not feeling well.
Friday, June 24: Dances of the 21 Praises of Tara
Join Phyllis Moses and friends to dance the 21 Praises!
No experience necessary, these are simple to learn movements connected with singing to help open our heart/mind with joy! Based on the timeless teachings of Tara, adapted for our modern culture (via Taradhatu).
An opportunity to offer Dana will be available at this event.
All genders, physical abilities, and ages are welcome!
This is an in-person only event.
Masks are required indoors at KCC. Do not come to KCC if you are not feeling well.