Strategic Planning Input – A Report

May 31, 2022

Dear Precious Sangha,

As recently promised, the Strategic Planning Input Team is delivering its report on the input submitted by the community thus far for strategic planning of KCC’s next phase. Community comments were collected in three input-gathering sessions in January, as well as by phone and email. Those comments have been anonymized and categorized by theme in a spreadsheet (explained below).

By sharing these results, we hope you will feel we are honoring our intention to use the sangha’s wishes, hopes and concerns as a foundation for the process of charting a course for KCC’s future.

How this Input was Analyzed

The Strategic Planning Input Team combined the individual comments from each of the sangha sessions, those of the Team itself, and any comments that came in via phone or email. In all, 427 comments were received. These comments were anonymized and then each assigned to an ‘expanded topic.’ The roughly 30 topics were collapsed into six major ‘categories’ and then the input sorted by category. A second category was used to assign a second theme where comments reflected multiple themes.

The Six Major Categories

The categories represent the major themes that were raised repeatedly and are defined as follows:

SCOL: Covers any issues, concerns, and wishes related to the retreat center, its use and its operation.

External Engagement and Outreach: Input related to activities, present or future, aimed towards the community outside of KCC. This includes suggestions for activism on major issues of our times and helping those in need that are not part of the KCC community. It also includes actions related to seeking diverse new members.

Internal Engagement: Covers any input related to the sangha; things like participation in programs, volunteers, Community Life activities and taking care of sangha members. It also includes communication within the KCC community.

Reconciliation: Covers a number of difficult and complex issues; some current in society, some from KCC’s past. This includes diversity, equity, inclusivity, sexual misconduct, abuse arising from the hierarchical structure and patriarchy of the lineage and lack of transparency in information sharing. This also includes the specific issues around the conflict near the end of three-year retreat, and the allegations against the Karmapa.

Governance and Communications Methods: Covers governance by the Board and the newly formed Service Groups, and transparency in decision-making. It also includes methods of communication to inform and involve the community.

Programming: Broadly covers all programs at KCC, including the number and types of teachings, the spiritual content, and teachers. Events and social activities are included in this category, as are the methods used for holding these events and communicating about them and other programs.

See the Results

The input has been made available to the KCC community in a recent announcement but will not be linked on our website. If you wish to view the categorized input and did not receive the announcement, feel free to request the document by emailing

If – after reviewing the input and category descriptions – you feel these main themes (the ‘six major categories’) do not reflect the wishes, hopes or concerns you have for KCC’s future, please feel free to a) email your comments to; or b) drop a typed and printed (or clearly-written) note in an envelope labeled ‘Strategic Planning Input’ in the KCC mail slot.

What’s Next

At this time our search is on for a consultant (or team) with an appropriate skillset and experience who will shepherd us through the strategic planning process. We will request that their process include hosting community-wide discussions focused on main themes that emerged from the comments.

We look forward to fostering healthy discussions on these topics and hearing the voices of our sangha again during the strategic planning process. We thank you for speaking up!

KCC Strategic Planning Input Team
(Ryan Fitz, John Jennings, Linda Besant, Linda Grove, Peter Wood)