Strategic Planning – Themes and Prompts

February 3, 2023

Dear Sangha:

Please review the document “Strategic Planning Themes and Prompts” prior to the Strategic Planning engagements scheduled for:

    • 19 February (10:15-12:15 via Zoom)
    • 26 February (10:15-12:15 at the Portland Center)

The goal of the listening sessions is to determine which “themes” and “aspects” most members would like to prioritize in the next strategic plan, given the Sangha’s scope of capacity and volunteer base.  We hope the following questions will help formulate your inputs for the February meetings:

Listening Session Prompts 
1. What aspects of these themes resonate with you most and what doesn’t feel like a fit?
2. Are there aspects of these themes that don’t feel attainable in the next three to five years given the Sangha’s limited volunteer and funding base?
3. If you had to prioritize an aspect from each theme to focus on in the next strategic plan first, what would they be?
4. Did we miss anything in the themes and aspects we’ve presented that should be considered?

Linked Document: Strategic Planning Themes and Prompts


RSVP by 13 February