September Board Highlights
KCC’s Board dealt with three big issues in our September Board meeting alongside our regular business.
We approved the Administrative Reorganization Proposal.
Sangha members offered excellent input to the proposal in writing, in conversation, and during the September Sangha meeting. After incorporating Sangha ideas into the proposal, or noting their ideas and concerns for consideration during implementation, approval of the plan was unanimous. The transitional Working Group Coordinators will now begin to implement KCC’s Reorganization Plan.
We discussed how to actualize the Inclusivity Statement that was passed in August.
KCC’s Inclusivity Statement commits the Board to take action toward integrating inclusivity principles into our work and practice and culture, understanding that this is a long and complex process. Ways to begin include: 1) Via practice and, 2) External training (personal and collective). An initial likely training is Zen Center of Oregon’s six-month Awakening to Whiteness course. In addition, Zopa is considering developing a workshop about the overarching topic of systemic oppression and how it manifests through the other fundamental issues.
The Strategic Planning Process Team gave its report.
This Team recommended that strategic planning occur in phases, beginning with a first phase of gathering input from the Sangha. They recommend that we set in place opportunities for Sangha members to talk deeply about their deepest concerns and wishes for the community, with a series of meetings that occur at different times of day and on different days of the week so everyone who wishes can participate. In addition, offer ways to make input in writing or in one-to-one conversations. Let this phase take as long as is necessary for everyone to be heard. Then plan Phase Two based upon the information gathered.
Zooming Lotus
Don’t miss Zooming Lotus on Saturday, November 13th at 7:00 pm. It’s going to be a fun show, and we need all hands on deck to make it a big success as our only fundraising event of the year.
If you wish to see the full detail of our meetings, the full Board Minutes are posted after they have been approved by the Board at the following month’s meeting.
All Board meetings are open to all sangha members. We meet by Zoom, from 1:30 to 4:30pm on the third Sunday of each month. Please join us. [Editor’s note: the October meeting was canceled due to schedule conflicts]
John Jennings,
KCC Board President