Sangha Meeting Notes – October 10
Topic: Ideas for Program Offerings for 2022 from our sangha members
- Bear in mind that the community has finite resources
- Each and every suggestion will need volunteer support
- Be patient with the limited time and resources; all suggestions cannot be realized
- Long retreat at SCOL will happen sometime in 2022
- Community suggestions
- Three month retreat (or “kinda long” retreat)
- Regular tsok practice
- Milarepa daily practice
- Vipashyana practice
- Small groups discussing what would be helpful for long term program planning
- Aging and illness on the path
- Aspirations for Mahamudra and other prayers—exploration of meaning
- Bringing young people into the community, making opportunities apparent
- Mahakala and other esoteric practice (require empowerment)
- Break weeklong programs into sequence of weekends
- Buddhism after patriarchy, including the issue of embodiment; looking at female buddhas; context of buddhism’s development
- Different curriculums for individualized practice. Reading lists, videos, progressions of practice
- Facilitation of access to outside resources such as Maitripa
- Outreach to other Buddhist communities
- Continuing participation in Portland Buddhist Festival
- Green Tara study group and retreat
- “Faculty” support for individual study and practice
- Groups for peer support for practice
- Retreat at SCOL for female identified participants
- Book groups initiated by individuals
- Shared stories about how we got involved with Buddhism —a way to get to know one another
- Teachers from other sanghas
- In depth offerings from other expert teachers in the lineage
- Three turnings program specific to the lineage
- Comparative studies (Zen, Vajrayana etc)
- Online short teaching videos and reading lists