Sangha Meeting Notes August 8
Below are the notes from sangha meeting in August submitted by Willa R
What do participants want to address at sangha meetings?
– Express concerns, bring up issues that need to be addressed.
– Announce topics ahead of time, for instance, what kind of programming we want. Having a theme gives us the opportunity to get feedback from more people, because they’ll know ahead of time that the topic will be discussed, and they can prepare their thoughts and be sure to attend. Lama Eric asked that announcements of upcoming topics be made in a dedicated email.
– A brief financial update monthly or quarterly.
– Issues about SCOL, for instance, expense of operation; renting it to other organizations; using it for sangha members’ related activities, such as yoga retreats and musical gatherings. Since infrastructure issues have created obstacles, the SCOL team could outline the nuts and bolts of what it would take to make the land center available.
– An appreciation of programs, and expression of what programs and teachings we’d like to receive. An opportunity for Lama Eric to “take the pulse of practice.”
– Transportation to the Center, accessibility of the Center, creating support for people who need rides or assistance entering the Center. Jackie Wessel has offered to create a mechanism for connecting people to transportation. Phil Wallin has offered to provide rides.
– Announcements of where and when we need volunteers.
Strategic Plan Preparations—Volunteers invited
– John Jennings, Board president, is assembling a group of people to define the process for strategic plan and to prioritize questions and concerns. Questions regarding infrastructure, governance, and community involvement will be addressed during the strategic plan process, and prioritizing is essential.
Financial Concerns
– The Blooming Lotus annual fundraiser will be both in person and via zoom this year (if Covid conditions allow). November 13 is the date. Linda Besant will be looking for talents for the Vajriety Show, which is the talent show component of the event.
– Monthly expenses are between $24k and $25k per month. The board holds the aspiration of 6 months reserve. The current reserve is 4.3 months, the lowest reserve we’ve experienced in some time. Sustaining membership is stable. Earned revenue from programs is up. We are down $30K in individual contributions. But we have no debt and are financially stable.
– Members are encouraged to consider a gift to KCC in our estate planning.
– Zooming is a cost to the sangha; we should encourage people whose only contact with the sangha is online to make contributions. We should provide more ways to let people know how and why to donate, and to make it easier to do so, whether participating by Zoom or in person. Any kind of support, volunteering or financially, is an expression of gratitude.
– A new member wonders what an adequate amount to contribute would be. Linda Besant, who leads the Finance Team, says that it’s hard to arrive at a suggested amount, given that we don’t have a way to determine how many people are sharing the benefits of KCC’s offerings, which would give us a way of determine what each person’s share of the monthly expenses would be. So it’s suggested to give whatever one feels comfortable giving.
– It would be helpful to have some suggested levels of giving. Providing a variety of graphics and stories about giving would provide fresh reminders.