What’s in a Retreat Price?

May 10, 2022

From the May 2022 KCC Newsletter:  What’s in a retreat price? A whole world of interconnected generosity.  By Cynthia Irvine

  • We begin with the efforts of teachers.
  • We toss in some delicious meals, prepared lovingly by cooks.
  • We scramble the activity of SCOL – room assignments, chores, emergency needs.
  • Bake in some heat, plumbing, technological expertise and good will.
  • Squeeze in some scholarships around the edges, slice with insurance costs, and serve!

The Finance/Development and Program Support Service Groups have carefully considered how to price retreats. We have spreadsheets showing the cost of lodging, food, staff, and supplies. As a member of the Finance Committee and Accounting Team, I’d be happy to discuss the costs with anyone interested.

At KCC we want to make it possible for everyone to be able to afford retreat. The “cost” of retreat can feel high or low depending on our current finances. For me, everything feels expensive and precarious right now. Food and gas are pricey, my spouse retired, and Mother Earth is in crisis.

The reality is, donors must chip in to make the dream of affordable retreat for all possible. SCOL is a costly gem. Anybody interested in brainstorming solutions? We are always open to suggestions. You can reach me at .