November Board Highlights

December 7, 2021

[The Board meeting in October was canceled due to schedule conflicts.]

November 21, 2021

KCC’s Board focused on several big topics in our November Board meeting alongside our regular business.

First, we are pleased to announce that John Rothermich was approved to serve as a member of KCC’s Board of Directors beginning in December.

The Board is witnessing and pondering interrelated issues currently of importance to the sangha. These are issues such as concern over sexism and patriarchy in our lineage; and concern that KCC have a safe and transparent way to deal with difficult conversations, conflict, or grievances. We are committed to listening carefully to everyone who wishes to make input about such issues, starting with the special sangha meetings planned as a prelude to the strategic planning process, and continuing with follow-up gatherings to gather suggestions for how to proceed and identify people willing to help.

In the November Sangha Meeting, the community discussed formalizing a way to assist sangha members with health or other difficult challenges; and supporting the efforts of groups within the community like the Sattva Social Club, the Equanimity and Inclusion Study Group, and the Engaged Buddhism Group. Amy Vance offered the name Community Life as a way to cluster these groups.

The Working Group Coordinators reported about progress on the Administrative Reorganization Plan.

Rosemarie Sweet reported that the Working Group Coordinators (WGCs) are meeting twice a month, digging into the interconnections between the Working Groups, at this time defined as Program Support, Staff and Volunteer Support, Urban Facilities, SCOL, Finance and Development, and Communications. Following excellent input from the November sangha meeting (see above), the WGCs are considering where community life-related groups fit within the structure to be sure they receive support. Questions to answer at the December Board meeting include the reporting process from the WGCs to the Board, and a preview of 2022 work plans for each Working Group.

Additional items of note:

—Actualizing KCC’s Inclusivity Statement

Rosemarie presented an early draft of a proposed action plan. She will seek further input for the December meeting. Sangha and Board members are encouraged to consider participating in the Awakening to Whiteness course by the Zen Community of Oregon. For more information, see the article in the Community News.

—The Strategic Planning Process Team continues to prepare for hearing from everyone in the community on their wishes and concerns for KCC’s future and have scheduled sangha meetings for January.

—Zooming Lotus on November 13th was a success. The program was engaging, and we met the $40K financial goal. Thanks to everyone who performed, volunteered and contributed.

—Sally Mead and the Volunteer Support Team are seeking volunteers for many needs ranging from helping at the Urban Center on Sundays to serving on the SCOL Team.

If you wish to see the full detail of our meetings, the full minutes of each KCC Board meeting are posted under Governance after they have been approved by the Board at the following Board meeting (30 days later).

All Board meetings are open to all sangha members. We meet by Zoom on the third Sunday of each month. For December 2021 only, the Board will meet from noon to 3:00 pm. Please join us.

John Jennings, KCC Board President