Nourish KCC with Showers of Generosity

June 1, 2023

From the time of Buddha Shakyamuni, Buddhist communities have all relied on the generosity of fellow seekers who value the dharma enough to financially support it. The custom of individuals and families eagerly and joyfully offering support to nourish the cultivation of sacred spaces, practitioners, and spiritual guides is second nature in many countries where Buddhism took root thousands of years ago. For Buddhism to continue to evolve and plant meaningful roots in our modern world, we must gather our resources and energy to create and sustain the spiritual communities for which we long.

– Lama Eric Triebelhorn

This is the time of year when we at KCC shine a spotlight on generosity by energizing everyone who finds spiritual support at KCC to practice dana by becoming a Sustaining Member. All who find a home at KCC are self-proclaimed members. Sustaining Members are those who pledge ongoing support or volunteer regularly. (Many do both!)

For the next seven weeks, we will provide a stream of information about KCC’s expenses and current financial and volunteer needs, all building to a Fabulous Finance Festival at 11:15 A.M. on Sunday, July 16th, when we invite everyone to give your ideas and preferences for how you would like to see KCC raise the resources we need.


To get things started in terms of understanding KCC’s expenses, try your hand at our Dollars Behind the Dharma Quiz. The deadline to enter has been extended to June 9th. For each question, whoever makes the closest estimate wins a book of their choice from our Dharma Bookshop.


We hope you value the teachings and community that you find at KCC and will consider becoming a Sustaining Member or increasing your current pledge. Here is some information to consider to guide you:

KCC’s 2023 budget is for $350K in expenses. After income from classes, retreats, events, and the bookstore, we need $135K in donated income.

If your income is $100K per year, a pledge of 2% of your income would be $166/mo.
If your income is $20K per year, a pledge of 1% of your income would be $16/mo.

To become a Sustaining Member or to increase your current pledge, click hereand select monthly member.  You can also learn more about planned or tax-advantaged giving and contact to coordinate your gift.

We deeply appreciate your support – thank you for your generosity!



May our generosity help make the Dharma available for all who seek it.
May our practice and the way we live in the world benefit all beings.


Initiate a new pledge or increase the amount of your current donation.

Take a moment to fill in the form, and select MONTHLY MEMBER.

 Become a sustaining member


Find service in a role that suits you and supports your practice and community. For questions about volunteering, please contact .



Further explore the state of KCC’s finances for 2023 to inform your generous contribution.

 KCC’s Current finances