No Tea Cups or T-shirts or Shopping Bags
Dear Community-of-Choice,
KCC is half way into our 2023 Sustaining Membership Drive—Nourish KCC with Showers of Generosity. We hope all of you will join in by pledging a regular donation or increasing your current contribution, and by volunteering, at whatever level is best for you.
It’s so important that we continue to make the dharma available for those who seek it that we want to thank everyone who supports KCC. But we don’t want to generate any more tea cups or T-shirts or shopping bags to clutter up our world.
Win Time for Personal Retreat
Instead, at the end of the drive in July, all new and current Sustaining Members will be entered into a drawing to win a long weekend of personal retreat at SCOL. (And if the timing isn’t good right now, you can hold on to this opportunity until the time is right.)
Some Guidelines to Consider as You Contemplate Sustaining Membership
KCC’s 2023 budget is for $350K in expenses. After income from classes, retreats, events, and the bookstore, we need $120K in donated income.
$120,000 ÷ 117 (our current number of Sustaining Members) = an average of $1,025/yr or $85/mo.
* (Pledged amounts currently range from $1K/mo to $5/mo. The average monthly amount pledged by our current Sustaining Members is $70.)
$120,000 ÷ 254 (number on our Community listserv) = an average of $473/yr or $40/mo.
$120,000 ÷ 356 (number of people on our Livestream listserv) = an average of $337/yr or $28/mo.
If your income is $100K per year, a pledge of 2% of your income would be $166/mo.
If your income is $20K per year, a pledge of 1% of your income would be $16/mo.
Don’t Miss Our Fabulous Finance Festival
For our sangha meeting in July, we’re having a finance festival. Facing the fact that sustaining our community takes money and volunteers, we’ll ask for your ideas about how you wish we would raise funds. We’ll answer your questions about how KCC’s funds are spent, and exactly where we stand as of that date. As shameless enticement, we’ll also have savory snacks and cake.
Here’s Where We Stand
As of today, here’s where we stand towards our lofty goals for this year’s Sustaining Membership Drive:
- 20 New Sustaining Members
- We currently have 8 new Sustaining Members
- 15 Current Sustaining Members Increase Their Pledges
- currently 2 increased pledges
- 15 New Volunteers
- currently 1 new volunteer
- Increase KCC’s Monthly Income by $2K
- monthly income currently increased by $328
To become a Sustaining Member or to increase your current pledge, click below and write “Sustaining Membership Drive” in the notes section.
Thank you for your generosity. May all beings benefit.