Mind Training Study Group returns September 9

August 11, 2021

[A link to ZOOM will appear on the calendar entry 15 minutes prior to the start time.]

From Tim Campbell, Mind Training Study Group facilitator…

Beginning September 9 and continuing every second and fourth Thursdays, the Mind Training Group, including Lama Eric, will begin an in-depth study of the Seven-Point Mind Training using Traleg Rinpoche’s book, The Practice of Lojong, as our textbook. You need to have a copy of that book for this session of the class. Our effort will be to include study, contemplation and meditation to each class. We will cover each aphorism of the Seven Point following Rinpoche’s commentary. Lama Eric will be attending, and the class will be facilitated by myself and Zopa Herron.

In 2022 we’ll look at opportunities to add some of the more detailed practices from Essential Mind Training into our class structure.


[NOTE: There are currently three copies of The Practice of Lojong in KCC’s bookstore. More will be on order soon. Contact to reserve your copy.]