Meteor Shower Reflection
On August 12th, a dozen people came to SCOL to watch the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. Some people arrived early, using the extra time to meditate in the shrine room, practice in their cabins, or go on walks on the trails. In the evening we had a potluck dinner, with rice and lentils, salads, and juicy peaches from the fruit stand at the bottom of the hill. After dinner, most people gathered on the creek house lawn to search the sky for shooting stars. A few hardy souls slept outside, while others set their alarm to get up at 2:30 am for peak viewing. The next morning saw a pancake breakfast, and time for tea and chatting. It was a wonderful way for members of the sangha to get to know each other better in a beautiful and casual setting, and an easy first-time visit for people thinking about attending future retreats. The SCOL staff and team plan to have more of this type of casual and fun gatherings. Maybe next time you can come too!
Sarah Lyon