Sustaining Membership Drive 2024 – Makiko
This week Makiko shares how her lifelong connection to dharma has deepened as a KCC member:
I grew up in a country with a Buddhist tradition. At my parents’ house, we always had a shrine because my dad, being the eldest among his siblings, was traditionally responsible for caring for the family shrine. While I had attended various funeral and memorial services at temples, it wasn’t until I came to KCC that I had the opportunity to truly learn the teachings of dharma and practice meditation.
Encountering dharma at this stage in my life feels like a significant milestone. Why? Because, despite being in my mid-50s, I’ve come to realize that there’s still so much to learn about myself (why I acted that way, why I said that way, why I think that way…etc). I thought by now, I pretty much knew myself – but I was wrong! It’s easy to look out and criticize others, but it’s much more challenging to look inward and truly understand oneself. It’s daunting to confront aspects of myself that I’ve overlooked for so long.
I am fortunate to live within a half-hour of KCC, where I can receive teachings in person and connect with other practitioners. I contribute to KCC and volunteer because I want KCC to help many other people by teaching dharma to open our inner senses, our hearts and our minds for greater possibilities.
Dharma of Dollars
KCC is committed to providing the teachings of the Dharma freely. To do this, we must generate enough revenue to compensate our staff, maintain the Portland Center, SCOL Retreat Center and numerous online offerings.
Recently, a newer member said that KCC feels like an organization with a $1,000,000 budget. The truth is that the rich offerings of KCCs regular practices, programs, and retreats are accomplished by dedicated staff, committed volunteers and a small budget of about $350,000.
Like many organizations, KCC is feeling the effects of inflation. The growth of income is not keeping pace with expenses, especially wages and benefits for our five wonderful employees, including Lama Eric, the Managing Director, and our SCOL staff.
- The Board recently decided to “pause” on filling the part-time Portland Center Operations Manager position due to our projected budget shortfall.
- The cost of insurance, Zoom and other key software subscriptions continue to rise.
- The cost of fuel and other essentials for SCOL operations and maintenance have increased, too.
- Replacement of the roof and siding at the Portland center is also an imminent expense.
Furthermore, the KCC Board is committed to providing Cost-of-Living-Adjustments to staff because KCC compensation is quite low in a high cost-of-living area like Portland, OR.
In 2024, the KCC budget looks like:
- Projected Expenses: $366,000
- Projected Employee Wages and Benefits: $207,468
- Projected Income: $351,000
- $125,000 from programming; $225,000 from contributions
- This includes a $30,000 legacy gift
- Shortfall: $15,000
- Without the legacy gift, our shortfall this year would be $45,000
Sustaining Supporters are the financial foundation of KCC.
During the 2024 Sustaining Supporter Drive, we ask you to consider:
- Becoming a New Supporter
- Increasing Your Pledge
- Making a one-time Donation
Currently, about 130 supporters make recurring pledges.
An average monthly pledge of $175 would balance KCC’s budget.
Give enthusiastically within your means!
Here is some information to consider & guide you:
If your income is $100K per year,
a pledge of 5% of your income would be $416/mo.
a pledge of 2% of your income would be $166/mo.
If your income is $60K per year,
a pledge of 1% of your income would be $50/mo.
If your income is $30K per year,
a pledge of 1% of your income would be $25/mo.
Bi-weekly Raffle!
During the 2024 Sustaining Supporter Drive, you will be entered into a bi weekly drawing to when you:
- become a new sustaining supporter
- increase your pledge
- make a one-time donation
Make your donation early to be entered into all 4 drawings!
Volunteer Support
KCC recognizes that not all individuals are able to make a financial contribution. Volunteer efforts by sangha members are also invaluable contributions to ensure that tasks vital to KCC practices, retreats, and general operations are completed with care. Contact Sally Mead to find a volunteer role that supports KCC.