March 2022 – Sangha Meeting Notes

March 13, 2022

Dear community, here is what we talked about having to do with the Community Life Needs/Care group at the Sangha meeting today.

The Needs/Care group with the out-sized help of Bob Wilson created a list of community support services for sangha members to access. You can find it here: » Portland Area Support Services ( Also posted is a listing of resources for death and dying created by the Death and Dying group and Julie Hurlocker.

If you know of helpful supports in the community that are not on the list of support services, please email them to me. We will update this list as we go along.

Soon we will send out a survey to sangha members to learn who may be available to support KCC-ers when they need help and how they may like to do that. We are building on the desire and momentum of sangha members who have long recognized the need for a process to communicate and coordinate services to each other. The survey will provide the Needs/Care group with information about the sangha’s desire and capacity to provide support toward creating a program that is responsive and sustainable.

Please know that responding to the survey will not commit you to provide help at any time. If you can help someone identify needed services from the support services list, for example, and someone needs that, a person from the Needs/Care group may ask you if you are available. The more people we have who are willing to help when they can, the better. We also know that we cannot fill every need, but we can listen, care, and see.

So, watch for the survey and keep well! ?

In gratitude for the three jewels,