KCC Sangha Meeting Notes from Sunday, October 18

October 18, 2020

Submitted by Linda Besant

Attendance: 22 people discussed the following topics:

• KCC Sangha Directory: We have long had a sangha directory, first in paper form and now in digital form, that lists name, email, phone number, and street address. It’s due for an update, especially to incorporate new people. Questions were raised about how to make it inclusive of everyone who wants to be in it, privacy concerns, how to distribute the list, and how we can use the information to help one another. The volunteers working on this update include Linda G,  Diane L, Kay H, Ash M, Susan G, Carolyn P, and Peter F.

• Zoom hosts: We have great need for more Zoom hosts to help bring our practices and programs to the community during COVID restrictions. Please see the article by Linda Grove in this edition of the Newsletter for information about volunteering to be a Zoom host. And also note: the bookstore gives a free jar of preserves to everyone who serves as a Zoom host! 

• Board Recruiting: The board of directors will soon begin a process of recruiting nominations of sangha members to be considered for Board membership. It will include materials about the skills and areas of expertise currently needed, and the commitment and responsibilities of serving. Please think about nominations, including whether you would consider serving on the Board.

• Program Council: The PC is working to prepare the 2021 program calendar. It will be available soon.

• Bookstore: KCC’s bookstore is packed with books and dharma art and materials. We discussed ways to make it available even though our urban center is closed. Right now, people can contact Linda Grove () to make an appointment to shop. Please see the article by Diane Lucas in this edition of the Newsletter about other plans for making bookstore shopping possible.

• SCOL: Individual retreats for three people at a time are being offered at SCOL: one in the south cloister, one in the north cloister, and one in a private cabin. You must have a retreat plan under the guidance of your teacher. These are totally independent retreats which require that you bring and prepare your own food, linens, and toiletries. Email Sarah Lyon () for more information and to work out dates.

• Financial Report: September financial reports show that KCC is holding steady during the COVID emergency, thanks to everyone who continues to contribute, a robust schedule of Zoomed classes and retreats, and the success of Zooming Lotus. We have built back up to six months of reserve funds, an important goal given that we don’t know what further challenges 2021 may present.

• Pricing for classes and retreats: At this time, KCC asks for donations for classes and retreats with a four-tiered scale: 1) Includes an extra contribution, 2) Suggested donation, 3) Reduced level, and 4) Free. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. We discussed this scale and the ranges of costs. Some felt the suggested level and upper level were too high. Many appreciated the tiers. This is always a challenging issue for dharma centers. Jeff A suggested an article to the sangha about this. It could accompany the introduction of the 2021 program calendar.

• Dana for teachers: This discussion arose from the previous discussion about suggested donations. It is important to be transparent that KCC’s teachers don’t get paid for teaching classes. It is harder for sangha members to offer dana for teachings when we don’t see one another in person. Linda Grove sends follow-up information after an event. Ash M suggested setting up Paypal or Venmo for offering dana.