KCC Sangha Meeting Notes from Sunday, September 13

September 9, 2020

Submitted by Linda Besant

Attendance: 16 people. Facilitator: Linda Grove. Board representative: John Jennings. PC Representatives: Lama Eric, Jeff and Sally Alworth, and Loden.

• Board Report:
Zooming Lotus was successful. As of this date, $31K had been pledged. Thanks to all those who volunteered to run things, and those who performed.

Finances: The Board hopes to have us maintain a six-month reserve. The cash reserve is currently $112,163, monthly expenses are $23,000.

New Staff at SCOL: Chehale Alexander began work in mid-August.

Reopening Plan: The Board has approved a plan about how to reopen. No decision has been reached about when to reopen. SCOL is permitting three people at a time for individual retreats, under careful guidelines. Contact Sara Lyons at .

Board Membership: Currently there are six Board members. The Board is developing recruitment and mentorship processes, and a Board handbook. They will be requesting Board nominations from sangha membership.

Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Training: Will be held in October for employees, PC, Board members, and key committee volunteers. The training will later be available for people in other key roles, and for others who wish to participate.

Communicating Board Activity to Sangha: The Board minutes are currently posted on KCC’s website. (Thanks to Peter Frothingham for many years of taking the Board minutes; Cynthia Irvine will now take over this task.) Other suggestions: Board highlights, a link in the KCC Newsletter, and communication on the KCC Community listserv.

• Website Update:
Jennifer Chang, Linda Grove, Melissa Hicks, Ryan Fitz, Jeff Alworth, Peter Wood, Marci Roth, and Lama Eric have been working on this, meeting at least once a week since April. The goal is to complete the update by this fall.

• Program Council Report:
Upcoming events: Mahamudra retreat, Chenrezig retreat, Five Skandas class, Lama Rod.

The PC is considering programming which will present a clear path through classes and retreats.

Zooming opens up attendance in a good way; the PC intends to continue to do Zoom retreats.

People expressed appreciation for the morning meditations and thanked all those who facilitate the meditation and Zooming.

A question was asked if PC could provide more on transitioning through death, for example prayers, readings, direct help, dharma box preparation, or small support groups. The Bardo class helped but more is desired. The Death and Dying study group already meets regularly. The book Dying with Confidence was recommended – it is in the bookstore.

People shared the challenges of fear and difficulty with practice during wildfire threats and smoke.

• Bookstore Access:
For the time being, text Linda Grove and she will arrange access. It was suggested to carefully open the bookstore a couple of days a month to give people access.

• Conversations Unlimited:
This new Tea Time, now called “Conversations Unlimited,” is from 8:30 to 9:30 am on Mondays, hosted by Kay Hartsock and Carolyn Peck.

• Helping Those in Need During These Difficult Times:
People expressed the desire to be helpful as a community. Willa Rabinovitch will explore an on-going relationship with the Oregon Food Bank.