January Board Highlights
Dear Sangha,
The Board’s January meeting focused on a few major topics in addition to the typical monthly Board business.
First, we are pleased to announce that the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Marci Roth and Jennifer Chang to serve as members of KCC’s Board of Directors beginning in February. We are excited to have them joining us on the Board.
Work Plans created by the new Service Groups (formerly Working Groups). As Service Group spokesperson for this meeting, Linda Logan led a brief review and discussion of the work plans that have been submitted to the Board so far from the following Service Groups:
- Community Life
- Portland Center Facilities
- Finance and Development
- Program Support
- HR and Volunteer Support.
While some are still a work in progress, the work plans are developing nicely, generally including key goals, mission statements and timelines for deliverables. The Board agreed that more discussions about how the Board and the Service Groups work together were required, particularly the degree of autonomy Service Groups have over their goals and processes. Going forward, the Board agreed to three next steps:
- First, to provide some limited feedback to the Service Groups about the draft work plans.
- Second, the Board will work internally to determine what the Board’s role in evaluating work plans and overseeing the Service Groups should be, with an eye to maximizing Service Group autonomy while ensuring that the Board fulfills its oversight obligations.
- Third, the Board will have meetings with the Service Groups and/or Service Group coordinators.
Linda Grove’s evolving role. The second major topic was to discuss what duties Linda Grove would continue to have as the Service Groups begin to assume some of her former duties. At this point Linda Grove will no longer be Executive Director as she takes on the role of Coordinator of the Program Support Service Group. She emphasized that is important to have conversations about this and to figure out how this new organizational structure will work, and it may involve trying things to see what works. For now, for purposes of continuity and transition, the Board agreed that Linda Grove would continue to attend Board meetings and continue her service as a community liaison as the Board and Service Groups develop procedures to direct sangha questions and communications to different channels.
Financial Report and 2022 Budget. Ryan Fitz, newly appointed Treasurer, presented the financial results for the entire 2021 fiscal year through December, including the happy news that KCC ended the year with a $2,647 surplus over the projected budget, in part due to conservative financial projections, the collection of almost all Zooming Lotus pledges, and a successful New Year’s retreat. We currently have over 4 months of reserves (down slightly). The Lama Emeritus Fund has funding for well over a year. Turning to the draft 2022 budget, the Finance Committee proposed a 6% increase for staff compensation due to increased inflation leading to a projected deficit of approximately $18,000 over projected income. The Board unanimously approved the 6% salary increase, and will consider the final budget at the February meeting.
Additional items of note:
- The Strategic Planning Process Team reported on the community brainstorming meetings. The first two meetings went well, and gathered a lot of good and wide-ranging information about members’ hopes and concerns for the sangha, but there was some concern that attendance has been low, with only about 20 participants so far (besides the 7 SPPT members). The last meeting will be from 6:30-8:30 on Monday, January 17.
- Personal retreats at SCOL have been going well, with a “full house” of 3 retreatants (or more) continually since the winter solstice. There has also been a lot of snow at SCOL, and the plowing has created some challenges, with procedures being drafted to improve the next snow response.
- The Board completed Lama Eric’s annual performance review prior to the meeting. Lama Eric participated, and shared some of the challenges he has and some of his goals and aspirations for 2022.
- The Board thanked Linda Logan for her service on the Board. This was Linda Logan’s last meeting as a Board member, and the Board will miss her insights and deep care for the sangha. All are glad that she will now serve in the Program Support Service Group, where she expressed she feels comfortable and happy serving.
The full meeting minutes are posted to the KCC website after they have been approved by the Board at the following Board meeting (30 days later). All Board meetings are open to all sangha members. We meet by Zoom on the third Sunday of each month at 1:30.