December Board Highlights
Dear Sangha,
The December meeting of KCC’s Board was packed with important issues in addition to our regular business.
The projected Omicron surge: Linda Grove reported that she and Lama Eric and John Jennings are paying careful attention to the situation and will re-consider in-person activities as necessary.
Rosemarie Sweet reported for the Working Group Coordinators (WGCs) about progress on the Administrative Reorganization Plan:
- The WGCs will present the Board with 2022 Work Plans for their working groups in January. Once Work Plans are approved by the Board, WGCs will have administrative level decision making authority, and the Committees and Teams within their Working Groups will have operational authority to implement their plans.
- Discussion continues around the need for a Communications Working Group, and the addition of a Community Life Working Group.
- We acknowledged that the transition into the new administrative structure will take time, and that the Board and WGCs have many details to work out together, such as tracking and reporting progress.
- The Board has its own work to do to define its responsibilities and goals for 2022.
- Linda Grove is beginning to redirect some of her responsibilities as she transitions from Executive Director to Coordinator of the Programming Support Working Group. She will send a clarifying announcement to the sangha after the January Board meeting.
Sandy Pollock presented a request for use of Lama Michael’s teachings:
- The Board approved a request from Lama Lekshe and Dekeling, with Lama Michael’s permission, to transcribe Lama Michael’s talks and teachings and make them available on the Dekeling website. They may also wish to make a booklet of Lama Michael’s teachings on carrying practice. We support their efforts to make Lama Michael’s Dharma teachings available to as many students as possible.
Ryan Fitz reported on the planned meetings to gather data for upcoming Strategic Planning:
- Three meetings are planned for Jan. 9th at 12 noon, Jan. 15th at 10 am, and Jan. 17th at 6:30 pm. They vary in day and time so as many sangha members can participate as possible.(At the Board meeting, we intended to hold both in-person and Zoom meetings at these times. With COVID infection rates surging, these meeting will now all be held on ZOOM.) The process will be the same at each meeting.
- The purpose of the meetings is to gather input about people’s hopes, wishes and concerns for KCC’s future. The focus will be on brainstorming, without elaboration, discussion or evaluation of ideas.
- The information gathered will inform the strategic planning process going forward.
- Separate from the strategic planning meetings, Lama Eric will hold a listening session in February specifically to better understand sangha member’s concerns about hierarchy, patriarchy, sexism and racism at KCC.
Rosemarie Sweet presented a draft plan for actions to begin implementing KCC’s Inclusivity Statement:
- Rosemarie, Linda B and Ryan worked on a draft action plan, with input from other sangha members.
- We had a robust discussion of the complex issues involved. Rosemarie and Lama Eric will prepare a revised draft for consideration at the January Board meeting.
Linda Besant presented the draft General Fund Budget for 2022:
- Linda explained projected income and expenses in detail. A revised version will be ready for the January Board meeting.
- Property insurance for 2022 increased by 28%, primarily because of the wildfire risk at SCOL. A decision about whether to renew the insurance was required by Dec. 21st. After much discussion, we voted to renew the insurance for 2022. Clearly, the upcoming strategic planning process must include careful consideration of our future goals for SCOL relative to the cost of insurance and operations.
Board membership:
- Lama Eric and John J thanked Linda B and Sandy for their decade of service as their Board terms ended. He also thanked Rosemarie, who is leaving the Board to be Working Group Coordinator for Staff and Volunteer Support. Linda Logan will also be leaving the Board to assist with coordinating the Programming Support Working Group.
- This will leave KCC with an all-male Board, a situation we must rectify. John J is actively speaking with potential candidates, and seeking suggestions for qualified candidates.
- The Board officers for 2022 will be John Jennings, Board President; Doug Dunlap, Assistant President; Ryan Fitz, Treasurer; and John Rothermich, Secretary.
The full minutes of each KCC Board meeting are posted (Minutes) after they have been approved by the Board if you wish to see the full detail of our meetings.
All Board meetings are open to all sangha members. We meet by Zoom on the third Sunday of each month, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Please join us!
John Jennings, KCC Board President