Board Meeting Highlights – 19 Feb 2023
Dear Sangha:
Here are the highlights from the February 2023 Board Meeting.
Present: Board members Doug Dunlap, Jennifer Chang, John Rothermich, Brad
Upton, Marci Roth (note-taker), Peter Wood. Guests: Liza Baer, Linda Grove, Judatha
Kline, Jill Severson, and Rosemarie Sweet.
Election of new Board member: Peter Wood was officially elected and approved
to serve on the Board.
Update of Community Life Service Group, by Judatha Kline:
Judatha has stepped down as the coordinator of that service group, and they are
working on recruiting a new coordinator.
- Needs and Care Group: KCC’s Program of Care is now an organized support
network which can provide support for sangha members in need. Tasks to be
done: Communicate the resources available, raise awareness (website page
now up). - They will send a survey 3x/year to sangha.
- Group meets quarterly now as a group. Support Services list on website – will
need to be kept current - Effort underway to expand capacity to supply care to elderly sangha
members in their homes - There is the potential to do more for more people.
- Currently using Meal Train program
- Plan to raise awareness of Villages program
- Need for more awareness of the Needs & Care Group despite all of the
promotion already being done. - Sattva Social Club is active.
- Engaged Buddhism group: Only a handful of folks show up for the meeting
but a lot of people have signed up. - Climate Book Club meets monthly
- Raising awareness of suicide prevention is being explored.
Update on Strategic planning session: About 21 people were present on Zoom
sangha input session on 2/19. Date of Board Retreat: May 20 and 21 – will work to
create specifics about strategic plan based on input from the listening sessions. Then
the team will write plan with a goal of completing it by Fall 2023.
Sexual Misconduct Draft Policy Discussion
A draft KCC Sexual Misconduct Policy, created by a taskforce consisting of
Rosemarie Sweet (chair), Jill Severson, and Doug Dunlap; Lama Chimey also consulted on the creation of this policy. It was presented by Rosemarie, Doug, and
Jill. Rosemarie reviewed taskforce process.
Three main objectives of policy:
- Provide education about sexual misconduct
- Provide strong protection of sangha members
- Provide very clear terms of legal accountability
Carole Murchison, legal expert, reviewed draft policy – feedback was positive.
Taskforce started at end of June, 2022 and completed draft in December 2022.
It has not been decided whether this policy will be a stand-alone document or part
of a broader ethical conduct policy to be created later.
Most of the rest of the Board meeting consisted of in-depth, section by section
discussion of proposed plan. Board members and visitors raised questions and
concerns about the plan, and provided ideas for modifying and improving the
document. Taskforce members provided clarification as needed. Taskforce will
incorporate suggestions with the goal of presenting an updated draft of the policy at
March Board meeting.