April 2022 – Sangha Meeting Notes
Attendees: Lotus, Terri Duffy, Susan Giese, Mary Guenther, Peter Wood, Dora DeCoursey, Jennifer Chang (Board)
Facilitator: Judatha Kline (Service Group Coordinator)
Community Life Service Group Update
- Sonia Arion is a new Co-Coordinator with Judatha
- Supportive Services List – contact Judatha with support services to add to the list. Portland Area Support Services – Google Docs
- Needs/Care Survey coming out today!
What is working for you at KCC?
- The retreat with Lama Chimey was wonderful! Less structured and more laid back – it created an environment for connection.
- Morning meditation is a great support! Thank you to the guides.
- Online access for people who are away in body – “The soul of you all is present.”
- Newsletter is great. “Just reading the story of the Buddhist Women Disciples retreat, I felt like I was there.”
- Many retreat offerings.
- Merging zoom with in-person gatherings at KCC and SCOL – “Those are great accomplishments!”
- Opportunities to volunteer support practice goals, can see and work with kleshas on the path.
- “I appreciate being part of the sangha.” “I appreciate that movement has continued.”
- Awakening to Whiteness – “I met people at KCC who I did not know before.”
- Meal train worked well for scheduling meals support after a medical procedure. “Without that, everyone shows up and once and it’s overwhelming.”
- Appreciation for Erik F. who “took a leap” into the topic of the Karmapa in the Q&A today.
- Sharing opportunities to hear teachings – Tsadra Foundation, Naropa, etc.
- “I’m glad that KCC is open for in-person meditation.”
Suggestions for Improvement
- Retreats are expensive! Cost is a barrier to attendance.
- One attendee did not know there were scholarships available
- Communicate scholarship opportunities more widely.
- “Go ahead and ask” for scholarships.
- Provide tiered cost structure for SCOL residential retreats.
- Increase transparency into how the cost is determined.
- Would like to see more visiting teachers at KCC.
- We are down to three months reserve when six months reserve is needed.
- Just paid annual insurance for SCOL – big bill!
- Would like to see a tiered structure for membership like before.
- Ongoing challenge in recruiting volunteers.
- We need more people to help maintain the Zoom/in person system
- More social activities, please.
- Movie night scheduled 4/29.