To attend a Green Tara practice session: use the Zoom button which appears near the bottom of this page 15 minutes prior to each session (ie, at 6:45pm on Tuesday).
The practice of Green Tara belongs to the vajrayana class of meditations. Tara is considered the embodiment of the activity of all the buddhas.
From an outer perspective, many turn to Green Tara to pacify obstacles in their spiritual and worldly pursuits, and from an inner perspective, the practice of Tara serves to tame our inner confusion and obscurations and reveal our inherent awakened nature.
In this ritual there is an emphasis on accumulating merit through the process of inviting and imagining the twenty-one Taras in the expanse before us, presenting offerings to them, and repeatedly chanting the well-known Praises to the Twenty-one Taras.
Please visit our Practice Resources section for Green Tara practice aids, including practice texts, notes on the practice, a video teaching and a demonstration of the mudras.
The Green Tara practice is slightly more complicated than the practice of Chenrezi, the other yidam practice done at KCC. Those new to this type of meditation may find Chenrezi more accessible.
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The practice text is chanted in Tibetan on first, third and fifth Tuesdays.
The text is chanted in English on second and fourth Tuesdays.
On the second Tuesdays of each month, the session runs from 7:00pm – 8:30pm. On this night, Lama Eric walks participants through the meditation and offers a period for questions and discussion afterwards.