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Vipashyana Meditation Review for Bokar Mahamudra Program
January 11, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Teacher: Lama Eric Triebelhorn
This session of vipashyana practice review is primarily for those currently or previously engaged with Bokar Rinpoche’s Mahamudra Seminars. It will be assumed that those attending this upcoming review teaching have received preliminary instruction in vipashyana practice. This session is for review and further instruction. You can join in person at KCC on NE Skidmore or join via Zoom here. There is no registration required and no fee. Donations are happily accepted.
In general, the mahamudra path consists of three sets of preliminary practices and two aspects of the main practice: shamatha and vipashyana. Shamatha—or calm abiding—is a type of meditation where we are steadying our ability to remain mindful or aware of a particular object or no object at all. It belongs to a category of meditation known as “resting meditation.”
In vipashyana practice we begin to investigate the nature of that which is resting as well as the nature of those phenomena that appear to mind: thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. This type of meditation is referred to as “analytical meditation.”
Mahamudra is the union of shamatha and vipashyana. Those interested in the Mahamudra Program can learn more from the link above.
Bonus Reminder!
And in April, Khenchen Lodrö Donyö Rinpoche to will offer the Mahamudra Seminar in France from April 23-May 2, 2025, Khenchen Lodro Donyo Rinpoche, accompanied by Yangsi Bokar Rinpoche, will offer Bokar Rinpoche’s International Mahamudra Seminar in France. Information regarding accommodation, schedule, costs, and more can be found here and you can access the registration form here. Space is very limited at this point so register soon if you plan to go. Lama Eric and several others from KCC will be attending.