Week of Events
The World is Its Own Magic – A Weekend of Plein Air Painting and Mindfulness
Description This four-day residential weekend workshop offers techniques in outdoor landscape painting in the high desert forest of the eastern Columbia Gorge. The workshop is designed for artists of varying skill levels who have some experience in drawing and composition; knowledge of color theory is helpful. We will explore color, composition, and perspective in new […]
Chenrezi Practice – Half-Day + Potluck Lunch
Chenrezi Practice – Half-Day + Potluck Lunch
Lama Eric leads this half-day practice of Chenrezi on alternating first Sundays from 9:00am to 12:30pm, followed by a potluck lunch. All are welcome.
Shamatha Meditation – PM
Shamatha Meditation – PM
ZOOM only. At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
Morning Meditation
Engaged Buddhism Climate Change Book Study/Contemplation Group
Engaged Buddhism Climate Change Book Study/Contemplation Group
We are reading the 2022 release of "Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power" by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone.
Morning Meditation
Green Tara Practice
Green Tara Practice
The practice of Green Tara belongs to the vajrayana class of meditations. Tara is considered the embodiment of the activity of all the buddhas.
Morning Meditation
Chenrezi Practice
Chenrezi Practice
The practice of Chenrezi — the embodiment of the compassion of all the buddhas — is an excellent introduction to yidam practice of vajrayana Buddhism.