Week of Events
Shamatha Meditation – AM
Shamatha Meditation – AM
At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
KCC Board Meeting
KCC Board Meeting
he KCC Board of Directors meets on the third Sunday of every month. Sangha members are welcome to attend.
Shamatha Meditation – PM
Shamatha Meditation – PM
ZOOM only. At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
Morning Meditation
Engaged Buddhism Climate Change Book Study/Contemplation Group
Engaged Buddhism Climate Change Book Study/Contemplation Group
We are reading the 2022 release of "Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in with Unexpected Resilience and Creative Power" by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone.
Morning Meditation
BOOK GROUP—Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path
BOOK GROUP—Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path
KCC Book Group meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month
9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at KCC Portland Center (No Zoom)
Everyone is welcome
Interested? Contact Cynthia@kcc.org if you have questions.
Death and Dying Study Group
Death and Dying Study Group
Participation in the study group is open to all but the Zoom meetings are done by password-protected invitation email. Anyone who is interested should contact the organizer.
Green Tara Practice
Green Tara Practice
The practice of Green Tara belongs to the vajrayana class of meditations. Tara is considered the embodiment of the activity of all the buddhas.
Morning Meditation
Chenrezi Practice
Chenrezi Practice
The practice of Chenrezi — the embodiment of the compassion of all the buddhas — is an excellent introduction to yidam practice of vajrayana Buddhism.
Morning Meditation
Essence of Buddhism Study Group (Zoom only)
Essence of Buddhism Study Group (Zoom only)
Every Second and Fourth Thursday of the month, Lama Eric Triebelhorn leads a study group on The Essence of Buddhism by Traleg Kyabgon. This group began in August 2023; participants can join at anytime.
Morning Meditation
Milarepa Guru Yoga with Feast Offering and Songs of Realization
Milarepa Guru Yoga with Feast Offering and Songs of Realization
Guru yoga is a key part of Vajrayana Buddhist practice where connection to a living lineage is so important. Through this type of ritual, we connect to the unbroken stream of blessings and inspiration that have been passed down from Buddha Shakyamuni to the present. Saturday, February 24th is the fifteenth day (the full moon) […]
Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara
Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara
We come together to share our hearts' joy with simple movements based on Tara’s practices. No experience is necessary, all are welcome, and there is no commitment to undertake. Come share and enjoy your presence through this embodied practice and praise of the Noble Tara.