Morning Meditation
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
On the second and fourth Sundays of each month, from 9:00 to 11:00 am, we offer the Sunday Morning Children’s Program. This program normally starts in September and runs through the second Sunday in June. In July and August we meet once a month on the fourth Sunday. We require that at least one parent or guardian be present at KCC when their child attends.
At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
Newcomers Session has been cancelled since we have a special program featuring visiting teachers. Join us for the next Newcomers Gathering on July 14.
ZOOM only. At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
ZOOM only. At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
The practice of Chenrezi — the embodiment of the compassion of all the buddhas — is an excellent introduction to yidam practice of vajrayana Buddhism.