Morning Meditation
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
The practice of Chenrezi — the embodiment of the compassion of all the buddhas — is an excellent introduction to yidam practice of vajrayana Buddhism.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
Beginning August 10, Lama Eric Triebelhorn will lead a study group on The Essence of Buddhism by Traleg Kyabgon. This book discusses many of the foundational aspects of Buddhism. The study group will include brief presentations of the material, small group conversations, and sharing in the larger group.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This is a group meditation with very brief instruction.
This group meets monthly to explore becoming Allies for full inclusion of all beings without exception.
KCC's annual tradition returns with a family-friendly celebration of bodhisattvas from all traditions. This potluck of sweet and savory finger food will be held in the shrine room, where community […]
At the beginning of each session, brief instruction to the practice of Shamatha will be given. After a one-hour session and a 10-minute break, there will be a teaching or question-and-answer period with participants.
he KCC Board of Directors meets on the third Sunday of every month. Sangha members are welcome to attend.