ON HOLD Conversations Unlimited – 3rd Monday

Event Series Conversations Unlimited
Virtual Event Virtual Event

NOTE: This group is currently on hold while looking for a new day and time. If you would like to participate, please contact Kay Hartsock at .

Green Tara Practice

Teacher: Ani Tsultrim

Event Series Green Tara Practice
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The practice of Green Tara belongs to the vajrayana class of meditations. Tara is considered the embodiment of the activity of all the buddhas.

Chenrezi Practice

Event Series Chenrezi Practice
KCC Portland Center 4936 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, OR, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The practice of Chenrezi — the embodiment of the compassion of all the buddhas — is an excellent introduction to yidam practice of vajrayana Buddhism.

Newcomers Night

Teacher: Lama Eric Triebelhorn

Event Series Newcomers Night
KCC Portland Center 4936 NE Skidmore Street, Portland, OR, United States
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

The session is intended for individuals who are either unfamiliar with Buddhist practice or are new to KCC. All are welcome and invited to attend.