Newcomers Session
All are welcome to attend this session to learn more about KCC and the programs offered here. This event has moved from Thursday evening to the Second Sunday of each month following the morning meditation and discussion.
All are welcome to attend this session to learn more about KCC and the programs offered here. This event has moved from Thursday evening to the Second Sunday of each month following the morning meditation and discussion.
We meet to share the embodied female experience in our lives and practice. This includes the stories of Buddhist women from the past as well as the women we know […]
KCC Book Group meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month
9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at KCC Portland Center (No Zoom)
Everyone is welcome
Interested? Contact if you have questions.
Every Second and Fourth Thursday of the month, Lama Eric Triebelhorn leads a study group on The Essence of Buddhism by Traleg Kyabgon. This group began in August 2023; participants can join at anytime.
Guru yoga is a key part of Vajrayana Buddhist practice where connection to a living lineage is so important. Through this type of ritual, we connect to the unbroken stream […]
We come together to share our hearts' joy with simple movements based on Tara’s practices. No experience is necessary, all are welcome, and there is no commitment to undertake. Come share and enjoy your presence through this embodied practice and praise of the Noble Tara.
We are pleased to be able to once again host our annual one-month opportunity for personal retreat at Ser Chö Ösel Ling, our retreat land in Goldendale, WA. Some may sign up for the entire month and others will come for stays ranging from a weekend to three weeks. Each week of retreat will begin on a Friday from March 1 until March 29, 2024. Time periods available are for 1-week, 2-weeks, 3-weeks, 4-weeks and weekends, all beginning on a Friday.
KCC Book Group meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month
9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at KCC Portland Center (No Zoom)
Everyone is welcome
Interested? Contact if you have questions.
All are welcome to attend this session to learn more about KCC and the programs offered here. This event has moved from Thursday evening to the Second Sunday of each month following the morning meditation and discussion.
There will not be an Essence of Buddhism study group on March 14, 2024. The next topic discusses the qualities of buddha nature. Before the next March 28th group, Lama Eric will be sending out additional resources to read beforehand. To receive these materials, please email Liza to be added to the email list.
This group meets monthly to explore becoming Allies for full inclusion of all beings without exception.
KCC Book Group meets the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the month
9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at KCC Portland Center (No Zoom)
Everyone is welcome
Interested? Contact if you have questions.